A premium sporting agency offering bespoke services to shooting clients and estate managers

Our Shoots


We are delighted to represent a number of excellent shoots across the country. Here is just a small selection of the fine estates we work with - if you want more details on a shoot which isn't shown below, please don't hesitate to get in touch. info@sipariumsporting.com

Heveningham Hall, Suffolk

Ugbrooke Park, Devon

Holker Hall, S. Cumbria

Heveningham Hall, Suffolk


The Heveningham Hall Shoot Day offers a wide variety of drives encompassing game covers and woodland, that show exciting and challenging Pheasant and Partridge. Drives can be matched to the complete novice or to the more experienced gun. The day begins with hot bacon rolls and freshly brewed coffee in the courtyard where pegs are drawn and the team is greeted by the estate gamekeeper.


The drives are skilfully designed to challenge the most talented shots - and offer a sporting change to less experienced guns. Easy access to pegs, challenging birds and rolling countryside makes for a wide variety of fantastic drives. This combined with a friendly relaxed atmosphere makes the shoot an enjoyable day for all.


Available Dates 2015/2016 - Click Here for Details

Ugbrooke Park, Devon


Ugbrooke Park is a true gem of a shoot.  Set amongst Capability Brown parkland and centred around a magnificent main house and lake it has the ability to take the breath away.  Whilst not quite to the extremes seen in the north of the county, Ugbrooke offers a great variety of challenging but sporting drives.


One partridge pair has been spotted on the estate over the summer, though it's fair to say this is a pheasant shoot through and through, with some challenging duck thrown into the mix.


Very limited availability

Contact us to discuss requirements: info@sipariumsporting.com

Holker Hall, South Cumbria


Holker Hall is the private estate of Lord Cavendish. Covering large areas of south Cumbria, the estate takes in a considerable variety of terrain which lends itself to creating a diverse and interesting shoot.


From partridges on Kirkby Moor, through duck flighting off the Leven estuary, to parkland pheasants, this shoot really does punch above its weight. A friendly shoot with a knowledgeable keeper, this is a great choice for a team of guns looking for an enjoyable day in beautiful surroundings.


Available Dates 2015/2016 - Click Here for Details

Goathland, N. Yorks

Eagle Hall, Lincs.

Your Shoot?

Goathland West & Wheeldale, N. Yorks


We were delighted to work with the leaseholder on these Duchy of Lancaster grouse moors last season. Highlighting the services which we can offer we brought together a syndicate of like-minded guns to contribute to the ongoing upkeep of these recovering moors and enjoy some shooting.


The first day of the syndicate in 2014 was a huge success, with all guns enjoying some fine shooting at the true King of Game. We wish the syndicate all the best into the future and look forward to hearing how things progress over the next few years.


No available dates - Syndicate in Place

Eagle Hall, Lincs.


The Hartpury College shoot offers some excellent value shooting for teams of guns. Mixed bags of partridge and pheasants are available, with some exciting woodland drives complementing fun open hillside shooting.


Hospitality is excellent, starting with a cooked breakfast, then a hearty lunch taken in the old cellars, prior to a four-course dinner in the Old House after the day's shooting has drawn to a conclusion.


Contact us to discuss requirements: info@sipariumsporting.com


Information Sheet - Click Here

Would you like to work with us?


We are a small sporting agency offering our clients a fully bespoke service. Whether you are just looking to sell some days shooting, or want a fully integrated solution or have an interest in our consultancy services we'd love to hear from you.


Please get in touch to find out more...


Cowley House | 12 Black Jack Street | Cirencester | GL7 2AA

Tel: 07940 808452

Email: info@sipariumsporting.com